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Welcome to Christian Marquez's Page

Christian Marquez

Christian Marquez

Over the years, many of us have donated to AIDS Walk San Francisco, which directly benefits organizations across the Bay Area working tirelessly to prevent new HIV/AIDS transmissions, disease progression and deaths— as well as the social inequities that perpetuate them.

AIDS Walk San Francisco recognizes that no one organization can meet all the needs of communities affected by HIV/AIDS. Through the Co-Beneficiary Teams Program, AIDS Walk San Francisco makes available their highly successful infrastructure to organize corporate and community involvement. This broad group of SF/Bay Area organizations participate as "fundraising teams" in AIDS Walk San Francisco at no cost to themselves, and they keep a majority of the funds they raise.

This is where my personal story comes in. This year, I have joined the team raising funds for San Francisco's beloved Castro Country Club. The Castro Country Club is a safe and sober community center for all people, as well as a refuge for the LGBTQ recovery community. They provide programs and services that help people change their lives by supporting personal growth and a clean and sober life. The Castro Country Club has been critical to my own recovery journey over the years.

Please consider sponsoring me for AIDS Walk San Francisco! The funds we raise will go directly to The Castro Country Club and assist in their efforts to continue delivering essential programs to the community.

Castro Country Club: castrocountryclub.org


raised of $1,500 goal

Recent Donations

Member of

Team Castro Country Club - 0964
