Featured Sponsor
Matching Gift Info
Many companies support their employees by offering to match charitable contributions they make. By making sure you and your sponsors take full advantage of such matching gift programs, donations to AIDS Walk San Francisco may double or even triple!
Find out if your employer has a matching gift program. Contact your internal Human Resources department for information.
When submitting your Matching Gifts request, please include the following information about the AIDS Walk San Francisco Foundation:
Name: AIDS Walk San Francisco Foundation
Address: AIDS Walk San Francisco
P.O. Box 193502
San Francisco, CA 94119-3502
501c3 Tax ID Number: 47-4861977
Information for Donors:
If your company has a matching gift program, please request a Matching Gift Form from the human resources department. Give the completed form to the walker you have sponsored. The walker will bring the form on the day of the AIDS Walk to turn in with your donation. If your company has an online Matching Gift Form, please forward the email confirmation to the walker.
Information for Walkers:
To receive credit for your matching gift donations as part of your AIDS Walk fundraising total, please bring each completed Matching Gift Form, along with the accompanying donation, with you on the day of the AIDS Walk. Please ask each of your donors with an online matching gift program to forward you his/her matching gift receipt, and then follow these instructions to receive credit for the match. You have two options:
1. Forward the email confirmation of the matching gift to BertC@aidswalk.net
Make sure the following information is included in the email:
a. Dollar amount of the match
b. Donor’s name
c. Walker’s name
It is NOT necessary to bring additional paperwork when you turn in your funds at the AIDS Walk. The AIDS Walk participant will be credited with the match when you forward the email to BertC@aidswalk.net.
2. If you do not email your confirmation, you may print it out and bring it to SIGN-IN on the day of the AIDS Walk in order to receive credit for the matching gift donation.
If you have questions about matching gifts, please call the AIDS Walk San Francisco office at 415.615.9255 (WALK) or email us at BertC@aidswalk.net.
Find out if your employer has a matching gift program. Contact your internal Human Resources department for information.
When submitting your Matching Gifts request, please include the following information about the AIDS Walk San Francisco Foundation:
Name: AIDS Walk San Francisco Foundation
Address: AIDS Walk San Francisco
P.O. Box 193502
San Francisco, CA 94119-3502
501c3 Tax ID Number: 47-4861977
Information for Donors:
If your company has a matching gift program, please request a Matching Gift Form from the human resources department. Give the completed form to the walker you have sponsored. The walker will bring the form on the day of the AIDS Walk to turn in with your donation. If your company has an online Matching Gift Form, please forward the email confirmation to the walker.
Information for Walkers:
To receive credit for your matching gift donations as part of your AIDS Walk fundraising total, please bring each completed Matching Gift Form, along with the accompanying donation, with you on the day of the AIDS Walk. Please ask each of your donors with an online matching gift program to forward you his/her matching gift receipt, and then follow these instructions to receive credit for the match. You have two options:
1. Forward the email confirmation of the matching gift to BertC@aidswalk.net
Make sure the following information is included in the email:
a. Dollar amount of the match
b. Donor’s name
c. Walker’s name
It is NOT necessary to bring additional paperwork when you turn in your funds at the AIDS Walk. The AIDS Walk participant will be credited with the match when you forward the email to BertC@aidswalk.net.
2. If you do not email your confirmation, you may print it out and bring it to SIGN-IN on the day of the AIDS Walk in order to receive credit for the matching gift donation.
If you have questions about matching gifts, please call the AIDS Walk San Francisco office at 415.615.9255 (WALK) or email us at BertC@aidswalk.net.