Featured Sponsor
General Information
Who benefits from AWSF?
Is there a minimum I should raise for AIDS Walk San Francisco?
Event Information
When is AIDS Walk San Francisco 2025?
Where does the event take place?
What is the schedule for the day of AIDS Walk San Francisco?
How long is the Walk?
Will there be a Community Grants Program this year?
Who can enter the Red Ribbon Pancake Breakfast and the Post-Walk Picnic?
How do I get to the event?
To whom should check donations be made out to?
Can I mail a cash donation?
Where do I mail donations?
What should I do if a check is made out to me personally?
Will I receive a receipt for my donations?
I have seen public fundraising for AIDS Walk San Francisco on the street. Should I donate to someone I do not know who is collecting donations on the street, in public spaces, or even door-to-door?
How do I register for AIDS Walk San Francisco 2025?
Should walkers use their home or work address to register?
What is a Virtual Walker?
What should I do to start raising funds for AIDS Walk San Francisco?
How else can my company support AIDS Walk San Francisco?
How do I get people to sponsor me?
When is the last day to fundraise for AIDS Walk San Francisco?
Website & Online Fundraising
Is my 2025 username and password the same as my 2024 username and password?
I forgot my username and password. How can I find out what they are?
Why is there a $15 minimum for all online credit card donations?
How can friends and family find my individual fundraising web page to make a donation?
Why is the “Search Walkers and Teams” search not finding a participant that I know has registered?
How can I see who has donated to me?
Why aren’t the cash and check contributions I’ve raised showing up on my personal fundraising web page?
All of my donors are not showing up on the scroll mechanism. Why?
Is my information secure?
Why am I getting logged out of the website?
Team Questions
What is a Team?
I usually participate as a member of a team. Will there be teams this year?
What are a Team Leader’s responsibilities?
What are Gold Teams?
How do I get an updated Team Roster?
How can I promote AIDS Walk San Francisco to potential Team Members?
If someone registered for the AIDS Walk as an individual, can they still join a team?
What if someone wants to join a team after the deadline?
What is our privacy policy?